宁乡小程序开发_深圳seo优化_重庆网站推广_深圳网站建设卓企 # /etc/sysctl.d/ and put new settings there. To override">





Since the development of the Internet, both its theory and technology have matured, and it has been widely involved in all aspects of society. It allows information to be disseminated through the Internet, and it can serve people well with information management tools. In view of the chaotic management of car ticketing information, high error rate, poor information security, high labor intensity, and time-consuming and labor-intensive problems, the use of car ticketing websites can effectively manage and make information management more scientific and standardized.
The car ticketing website is coded in Java language in the Eclipse environment, and MySQL is used to create a data table to save the data generated by the system. The system can provide information display and corresponding services. Its administrator is responsible for reviewing member recharge, reviewing customer ticket purchase information and member ticket purchase information, managing passenger transport schedules and message boards, and managing membership levels. Customers check passenger schedules, purchase and pay for tickets, contact customer service at the front desk, leave a message to the administrator, check ticket purchase records at the backstage, and perform member recharge. Members purchase tickets through member ticketing channels, pay for tickets in the background, check the ticket purchase review, check membership levels, and manage collection information.
In short, the centralized management of information on car ticketing websites has many advantages such as strong confidentiality, high efficiency, large storage space, and low cost. It can reduce the cost of information management and realize the computerization of information management.
Key Words:Automobile ticketing website; Java language; Mysql

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